It’s crucial for runners to engage in some sort of cross-training or varied exercises, and cross circuit training can be a great fit for runners.
Every year, 49 million Americans hit pavements and treadmills across the country. While running does offer numerous mental and physical health benefits, like any sport, it does come with risks.
Running injuries are extremely common, so it is essential that runners have a well-rounded fitness program that not only helps them achieve their running goals but strengthens their muscles and joints to prevent injuries.
Why Circuit Training for Runners?
Running is a fantastic way to exercise and enjoy the outdoors, but a startling 40% of runners will experience an injury that sidetracks their progress.
Overuse injuries are widespread, and poor running form and muscle imbalances that cause postural deviations contribute to the problem.
One of the most prominent challenges runners face is an upper limit for the mileage their body can withstand before experiencing diminishing returns. Your mileage may vary, but running does cause stress on our joints, particularly our knees and hips.
To address these common concerns, running coaches have recommended cross-training for wdecades. Cross-training is when you add exercises that are not your main athletic focus to develop a more well-rounded athleticism.
For runners, circuit training is the perfect cross-training tool to help you increase your speed and endurance and avoid injuries all year.
Circuit training is a workout that combines cardiovascular exercise and strength training using a series of exercises that you move through with minimum rest between stations, working at a moderate intensity.
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Benefits of Circuit Training for Runners
Improve cardiovascular capacity with less joint stress
While running does not cause arthritis, advancing too quickly or over-training can contribute to injuries like stress fractures that can put you out of the game for months. Runners need to build cardiovascular capacity and endurance in other ways that offer similar benefits without the joint impact of running alone. Circuit training does just that.
Increase strength and stability
Every runner needs to strength train because every sport requires a strong foundation. Runners benefit significantly from a strong core and legs, especially.
Correct muscle imbalances and postural deviations
Irregularities in our body mechanics can lead to pain and injury down the road. Strength training allows us to achieve muscular balance. For example, we can correct rounded shoulders, pelvic tilts, and forward neck posture with a program that incorporates the proper stretches and strengthening exercises.
Keep fit in the off-season
The best athletes know that your athletic career happens in seasons. You cannot give 100% all the time. Therefore, you must structure breaks into your training schedule and take time off running if necessary.
The off-season for any sport is crucial because it gives you time to recover, grow, and improve. Incorporating circuit training will help you stay in shape, get stronger, and maintain your heart health while resting your joints.
Best Circuit Training for Runners
While there are many different ways to approach circuit training, the best two options for runners are
Repetition Circuits: This can be great for muscle strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health. Decide how many reps you want at each station and your rest period.
Timed Circuits: Another great option that improves cardiovascular health and endurance. You complete the exercise with as many repetitions as possible in the allotted time.
Repetition and timed circuits are best for runners as they emphasize cardio but leave room to address running-specific strength concerns. For example, studies show that runners tend to have weak glutes and core and would greatly benefit from strength training and stability work.
Another significant concern for runners is ankle strength and mobility. A well-written circuit will address all of these muscular concerns and reduce your risk of injury.
Circuit Training Workouts for Runners: Speed, Strength, and Off-Season
Before you start any workout, you should warm up properly. Start with 5-10 minutes of easy cardio to raise your body temperature and get the blood flowing, followed by myofascial release (rolling out), dynamic stretches, or targeted movements using light resistance.
Circuit Training Warm Up
10 minutes jogging
Roll out
20 squats
20 glute bridges
20 rows with light resistance band
30 bird dogs
20 walking lunges
[Repeat as 2-3x]
Speed Circuit
1-2x per week
If your primary goal of incorporating circuit training into your exercise routine is to increase your running speed, this is the circuit for you.
This circuit targets glute, quad, and hamstring strength to mimic the motions you produce while running. It also thoroughly addresses core strength and ankle stability.
You can add weight to any starred exercises for an additional challenge.
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>Time | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>Rounds |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30- 45 sec | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8 – 10 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30- 45 sec | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8 – 10 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30- 45 sec | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8 – 10 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30- 45 sec | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8 – 10 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30- 45 sec | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8 – 10 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30- 45 sec | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8 – 10 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30- 45 sec | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8 – 10 |
Strength Circuit
1-2x per week
If your goal is to increase your strength, prevent injuries, or correct common postural imbalances, give this circuit a try. Use weights that are challenging for the starred exercises.
This circuit helps address common weaknesses that lead to postural deviations, such as rounded shoulders and pelvic tilts. It also enables you to develop the core strength necessary to run injury and pain-free.
Add weight to any of the starred exercises.
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>Reps | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>Rounds |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8-12 | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>10 each leg | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8-12 | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8-12 | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>10 each leg | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30 sec each side | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8-12 | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
Off-Season Circuit
3-4x per week
While everyone’s off-season goals differ, many runners will dial back their mileage and include workouts that increase their strength and improve their posture. No matter the sport, it is essential that you give your body rest and recovery so it can adapt to the training stimulus. Changing up your workouts in the off-season will help prevent injury, and you will come back stronger than you were before.
This circuit focuses more on developing your muscular strength and size, something you’ll want to develop to help you run faster and longer in your peak season.
Add weight to any of the starred exercises.
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>Reps | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>Rounds |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8-12 | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>10 each leg | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8-12 | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8-12 | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>10 each leg | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>30 sec each side | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
[role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>8-12 | [role=checkbox]]:translate-y-[2px]”>4-5 |
Best Circuit Training Videos for Runners
HIIT Circuit Training for Runners
5 Most Important Exercises for Runners
5 Best Drills for Speed Training
Bottom Line
Circuit training is an excellent cross-training tool for runners as it improves cardiovascular fitness and increases strength and stability. Running injuries are common, so taking the time to improve your stability, core strength, and posture with circuit training will keep you running injury-free for many miles.
More Circuit Training Advice from GymBird Experts
- What is Circuit Training?
- Circuit Training for Beginners
- Circuit Training Workouts
- Best Circuit Training Workouts for Athletes
- Circuit Training Benefits
- Circuit Training vs. Cross Training
- Circuit Training vs. CrossFit
- Circuit Training vs. HIIT
- Circuit Training with Weights
- Is Circuit Training Aerobic or Anaerobic?
- Journal of Sport and Health Science. A systematic review of running-related musculoskeletal injuries in runners.
- Sports Health. Influence of stride frequency and length on running mechanics: a systematic review.
- Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Reasons and predictors of discontinuation of running after a running program for novice runners.
- The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. Does core strength training influence running kinetics, lower-extremity stability, and 5000-M performance in runners?
- American Journal of Sports Medicine. Foot Core Training to Prevent Running-Related Injuries: A Survival Analysis of a Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial.
- NASM. Top 3 Postural Distortion Problems Caused by Sitting and How to Fix Them.
- Clinical Rheumatology. Running does not increase symptoms or structural progression in people with knee osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative.
- Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. Stress fractures in runners.
- Precision Nutrition. All About Dynamic Joint Mobility.
- Precision Nutrition. All About Warming Up.
- National Academy of Sports Medicine. Foam Rolling: Applying the Technique of Self-Myofascial Release.